Gabriel Lazar
Dr. Gabriel Lazar has been practicing podiatry in El Paso for over 25 years. He has continued to keep up with the latest technologies and advances in medicine to provide the best health care available. In that time he has treated literally tens of thousands of patients in El Paso. His practice has continued to grow through referrals from doctors and most importantly by patients who have continued to refer him their friends and family members.
Dr. Gabriel Lazar is board certified in both surgery and podiatric primary medicine. He graduated from the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine in 1991. He completed his surgical residency at Park Medical Hospital in Columbus Ohio. He had the privilege of working directly under the guidance of Dr. Gerard Yu, one of the most recognized and respected podiatric surgeons in the country. He has also trained at the renowned Cleveland Clinic in Ohio and The University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio
Ohio College Of Podiatric Medicine
Internship and Residency
Park Medical Hospital in Columbus Ohio
Cleveland Clinic in Ohio and The University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio
Office Location
Office Information
- (915) 593-3668
- 1635 Lee Trevino Dr suite c, El Paso, TX 79936
- (915) 593-5010